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Arkkitehtitoimisto Eero Korhonen Oy
Leikosaarentie 11
00980 Helsinki, Finland


Phone: +358 50 5203130

Email: toimisto(ät) |

Business ID: 2304128-6

CEO: Eero Korhonen Architect SAFA 

Staff: 5

Arkkitehtitoimisto Eero Korhonen Oy was founded in 2009. We offer architectural design and Principal Designer services. Our goal is to create functional, high quality architecture and environment built with quality. Our office expertise has accumulated with challenging assignments. Our customers include construction companies, builders and numerous private families. Before setting up his own office Eero Korhonen has worked  in the commercial building design teams. Eero Korhonen is part of Register of Architectural Designers (no. 1308) and is qualified for working as Principal Designer. The company is included in the register of employers and in the register of value added taxes.


Client responsibility: Arkkitehtitoimisto Eero Korhonen Oy belongs to the Luotettava Kumppani register, see: 

Liability insurances: Arkkitehtitoimisto Eero Korhonen Oy has a liability insurances for architectural desing and pricipal architect tasks.

Project management: Severa system.

Software: Archicad 27, MS Office 

Eero Korhonen
architect SAFA / Principal designer. p 0504144003
Timo Kaipainen
architect / Principal designer p. 0451336461
Yuxin Wu
architect SAFA 050 5203130
Anna Tölö
architect SAFA / Principal designer. 050 386 9371
Katarina Korhonen
Toimistotyöntekijä / toimisto(ät)
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